How To Receive Goods Without A Purchase Order?

How To Receive Goods Without A Purchase Order?


Receiving goods in the store is a regular process carried out by the back-office staff. There are two ways in which goods are received in a store. In one case goods are received against a Purchase Order raised to a vendor. In many other cases goods are received in the store without a Purchase Order, but the details of the vendor are known.

In some cases, Goods Receipt also functions as a formal way to record any inventory adjustments that need to be done in the store. 

Goods Issue and Goods Receipt transactions are available in three plugins:
Serial and Batch Product Management, Variant and Composite Product Management and Product Purchase Management

The process below explains how to carry out a Goods Receipt transaction without a Purchase Order.

Steps To Create A Goods Receipt

Login to the application and navigate to Home > Inventory Transactions > Goods Receipt to open the Goods Receipt List View Screen. All the existing Good Receipt Transactions will be listed on this screen.

Click on the “Add Goods Receipt” button to open the “Create Goods Receipt”. All the mandatory fields on this screen are marked with an (*) asterisk mark.

Type in the Store Name or alternatively click on the […] to pick a Store name from the available list of Stores. This is the store that is receiving the products. In this example, we have selected the Store as the Vivo Store. 

Specify the Goods Receipt Number. The application automatically generates a Goods Receipt Number based on the Document Number Series defined for the Store. However, if you want to set your own custom number, click inside the box and then type in your Goods Receipt Number. Please Note: The Goods Receipt Number can be an alphanumeric number. 
Specify the Goods Receipt Document Date. The application by default takes today’s date as the Goods Receipt Date. The date is displayed in the format specified in the General Settings.

Select a Business Partner Type Value from the drop-down list. The Business Partner Type can either be a Customer or a Vendor. In this example we have selected Vendor as the Business Partner Type

Type in the Customer Name or the Vendor Name. Alternatively, click on the […] to pick a customer or a vendor from the list available. This setting depends upon the Business Partner Type selection made above. In this example we have selected V1003 - Red Leaf Inc, as our Vendor. 

Type in the Product Name or Product Description in the Product Column.  Alternatively, click on the […] to pick a product from the product list available. 

To keep things simple, we have selected only one Product for illustration. We have selected ITM - 60 (POLO T Shirt), as the product. However, you can select more than one product on this screen.

Specify the Quantity to be received. In this example, we are receiving 30 pieces of ITM-60 - POLO T Shirt from our vendor Red Leaf Inc.

Verify the information entered in the other columns of the grid related to the Multiple Units of Measure,  Price, Tax, and Discounts. Edit the information if required. Once done, click the “Save” button to generate a copy of the Goods Receipt receipt. You can print this for your records. 

Once the Goods Receipt transaction is successfully posted, a new line entry appears on the Goods Receipt List View Screen.  You Click on the Eye symbol to view the Goods Receipt document that  lists all the products that were received in this Goods Receipt.

Suggested Reading

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