How To Receive Serial Controlled Products?

How To Receive Serial Controlled Products?


The basic difference between serial controlled products and batch-controlled products is that all serial products have a unique serial number attached to them whereas batch-controlled products have a unique batch number assigned to them. Serial products are managed individually whereas Batch products are managed in batches. And each batch may have one or more than one quantity of a batch product. 
Note: The Goods Receipt process for serial controlled products remains the same whether the receiving is a direct Goods receipt or is being done against a Purchase Order.
Info: You can create Serial and Batch products in Tagrain only when you subscribe to and activate the Serial and Batch Product Management plugin.

Steps to receive a Serial Controlled Product in Tagrain

Login to the application and navigate to Inventory Transactions > Goods Receipt to open the Goods Receipt List View Screen. All the existing Good Receipts are listed on this screen. 

Using this Goods Receipt List View Screen, you can do the following:

View the good receipts for this shipment 
Click on the Eye Icon to view the Goods Receipt document. This document will list all the products that are to be received.

Click the Add Goods Receipt button to open the Create Goods Receipt Screen. This screen is divided into 3 sections: 
  1. The Header
  2. The Body (Grid)
  3. The Footer

The Goods Receipt Header

Fill in the required information on the Create Goods Receipt Header including the mandatory fields such as From Store, To Store, Code, and the Document Date. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The various fields in the Create Goods Receipt Header are explained in the upcoming section.

Click on the […] to pick a Store where you want to receive the inventory. In this example, we have selected the Store as Marina Store. 

Goods Receipt Number
The application automatically generates a Goods Receipt Number. However, if you want to set your own custom number, click inside the box and then type in your Goods Receipt Number. 

Document Date
The application by default takes today’s date as theGoods Receipt Date. The date is displayed in the format specified in the General Settings.

Business Partner Type
The business partner type can be a customer or a vendor from whom you are receiving the goods. In this example we have selected Vendor as the Business Partner Type.

Specify a Customer Name or a Vendor Name from whom you are receiving the goods. Alternatively, you can click the […] to pick a customer or a vendor from the list available. This setting relies upon the Business Partner Type selection made above.  In this example we have selected V1002 - Glass Blue Inc, as our Vendor. 

The Goods Receipt Body (Grid)

Fill in the required information on the Create Goods Receipt Body (Grid) such as Product, Quantity to receive, etc.  The various fields in the Create Goods Receipt Body are explained in the upcoming section.

Product(s) can be selected in the grid either by typing the product code or description. You can either type in the name of the product or click on the […] to pick a product from the available list of products. This would be the product that you want to receive at this store. In this example, we have selected the following serial products:
WW-1001 - V-Motif Black Watch
WW-1003 - Charles Saddle Leather Watch
WW-1005 - Gold Mesh Bracelet Watch

Specify the Quantity to be received. In this example, we are receiving 3 pieces of WW-1001 - V-Motif Black Watch, 2 pieces of WW-1003 Charles Saddle Leather Watch, and 3 pieces of WW-1005 - Gold Mesh Bracelet Watch from our Vendor Glass Blue Inc. 
Unit of Measure:
If the UOM plugin is activated, the purchase UOM will be defaulted. However, you have the option to change the UOM. 

This field displays the cost of the product (as mentioned in the product master). This field will be disabled. 

Tax Code: 
This is an editable field and defaults the Tax Code that is applicable on the From Store. 

This field displays the Tax levied and depends on the Tax Code field explained above. 

Discount Type
This field allows you to select the discount type. You can either specify a percentage or an absolute amount as the discount type.

This field displays the discount value which can be a percentage or an amount depending on the Discount Type selected in the previous column.

Specify the comments for this Goods Receipt.

Line Total
This field displays the row total. [Row Total = (Quantity x Price) + Tax] In our example the Row Total for WW-1001 is: (3 x 904) + 189.84 = 2901.84. 
The actions column contains 2 action buttons - the delete button and the list button. The delete button is used to delete a row on the create goods receipt grid. The list button lets you specify the serial / batch numbers for that product in the row. How to generate a serial / batch number is explained in the upcoming section.
Fill in the required information on the Create Goods Receipt Footer.  The various fields in the Create Goods Receipt Footer are explained in the upcoming section.

Specify the comments for this Goods Receipt in the comments section.. 

Sub Total
This field displays the sum of Line Total. 

This field displays the sum total of the Tax column. 

This field displays the sum of SubTotal + Tax.

Click the Save button on the Create Goods Receipt Screen to open the serial / batch number generation screen. The serial /batch generation screen will display the Product, Quantity Required, Quantity Created, and Quantity Remaining fields. 

Methods to generate a serial / batch number

There are three ways you can generate a serial / batch number. These are:
  1. Using the Manual Creation Method
  2. Using the Import Template
  3. Using The Automatic Creation Method

Using the Manual Creation Method

Of all the methods, this is the simplest method to generate a serial / batch number. You just need to select the product and start typing the serial numbers in the serial number column. You can also specify the Expiration date and the Manufacturing date in the respective columns. This is useful in case of perishable  batch products. Once done, click OK to save the serial numbers.

Note: You must select the desired product before you start typing in the serial number. 

Using The Import Template

Click the download template button to download the serial number import template. Fill in this Excel Template. You can also specify the Expiration date and the Manufacturing date in the respective columns. This is useful in case of perishable  batch products. Once you have filled in the template, click the import button to import the serial numbers. 

Automatic Creation

Of all the methods this is the most preferred message. This method allows you to specify the prefix and a running number on the basis of  which the serial numbers are generated automatically. Click the Automatic Creation button. Then specify the prefix and a running number. For Example, WW-1001-001. You can decide if this running number will be in the ascending order or in the descending order.  

Click the generate button. This will populate a list of all the serial numbers generated for that selected product. 

If there is more than one product, you need to click on each product individually and generate the serial / batch numbers for them. Like, in our example, there are 3 serial products WW-1001 - V-Motif Black Watch, WW-1003 - Charles Saddle Leather Watch, and WW-1005 - Gold Mesh Bracelet Watch. Once we have generated the serial numbers for WW-1001 - V-Motif Black Watch, we will generate the serial number for other 2 products - WW-1003 - Charles Saddle Leather Watch, and WW-1005 - Gold Mesh Bracelet Watch.

Irrespective of the method that you use to generate the Serial / Batch Numbers, you Must click the Save button on the Create Goods Receipt Screen to generate the Goods Receipt.

Note: When you sell this product on the Web Register, you will have to select a serial number to add this product on the transaction screen. 

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