How To Receive Ordered Goods?

How To Receive Ordered Goods?

The Purchase Order feature is unlocked when you subscribe to and activate the Product Purchase Management plugin.


Receiving goods in the store is a regular process carried out by the back-office staff. There are two ways in which goods are received in a store. In one case goods are received against a Purchase Order whereas goods can also be received without a formal Purchase Order.

The process below explains how to receive Purchase Ordered goods. This transaction is also called GRPO (Goods Receipt against a Purchase Order)

Go to Inventory Transactions > Purchase Order. This will open the Purchase Order list view.

Once you have created a Purchase Order, it will be listed in this list view.

A Purchase Order against which goods are yet to be received, either in totality or partially is marked as OPEN. Those Purchase Orders against which all the goods in the Purchase Order have been received are marked as CLOSED.

Against each Purchase Order there are 4 possible action buttons.

Edit the Purchase Order
Clicking  the pencil symbol will allow you to edit the Purchase Order

View the Purchase Order
Clicking  the eye symbol will allow you to view the Purchase Order

Receive the Purchase Order
Clicking the cart symbol will allow you to receive goods against the Purchase Order

Print the Purchase Order
Clicking the printer symbol will allow you to print the Purchase Order

To start receiving the goods against the Purchase Order click the  symbol. This will open the Goods Receipt against Purchase Order screen.

All the values of the Purchase Order are automatically mentioned in this screen.

In the grid section the Quantity column denotes the total ordered quantity of a product.

Open Quantity denotes the balance quantity that is to be received for this product in the Purchase Order.

It is quite possible that you are only receiving part of the total quantity that was ordered.

Enter the received quantity in this field.

The application automatically calculates the applicable tax for the quantity that is being received.

You also have the option to specify any discount that the vendor may have offered. The discount can either be an amount or a percentage.

The footer section displays the total amount, discount, surcharges, and tax.

Click Save to receive the goods.

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