Managing QR table orders in Tagrain App for Android

Managing QR table orders in Tagrain App for Android

In this article we will cover the steps to manage QR Table Orders placed from a mobile responsive website using the Tagrain App for Android.


To be able to use the Scan and Order feature, you need to ensure that the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin is activated. This is required so that you are able to define tables for your cafe. 

The plugin Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining is included in both the editions - Community and Enterprise. This means that you will NOT be required to purchase and subscribe to this plugin. You just need to activate the plugin from the Plugins screen. Alternatively, you can activate the plugin when upgrading your existing Tagrain account from the admin section. Since the Plugin is already included in your edition, clicking the activate button will activate the plugin without you requiring to go through the subscription management page / process. 

Please refer to the article: Scan and Order Plugin - Activation and Setup for more instructions on how to activate and set up QR Ordering in Tagrain.  

Steps To Manage Table Orders

For the purpose of this article we have assumed that the customer has placed an order using the mobile responsive website. See: How to place a table order using the QR Code scan feature in Tagrain? 

All Table Orders placed on the mobile responsive website, using the QR Code scan feature, are recorded in Tagrain and appear under Recent Sales as Suspended transactions. 

In the screenshot below, ST001-SU-6 represents an Order placed on the mobile responsive website by scanning the QR Code on TABLE-02. The abbreviation SU in ST001-SU-6 stands for Suspended. 

Tap on the Menu Icon to open the Sub Menu. 

Then tap on Recent Sales, to open the Transaction Selection screen. This screen is similar to the  Recent Sales screen that you may have seen on the Tagrain Web interface. Like Recent Sales, this screen displays a list of recent sale transactions performed at the POS. 

In the context of Scan and Order you can use the Show Suspend Only search filter to locate a Suspended Transaction. You can even select a Table from the Table drop-down field. (As shown in the image below)

Tap on the intended Suspended transaction. The food items that formed a part of that Suspended transaction will start reflecting on the transaction grid on the right. (As shown in the image below)

Tap on the More button to perform one of the following tasks:
  1. Print KOT
  2. Bill TABLE

Selecting Print KOT will print the KOT for all the food items in the order.

The Print KOT option is available only when the suspended transaction has some or all the items on it that have not had the KOT printed for. 

In case multiple orders are placed from a Table, the KOT has to be printed separately for each order placed.

Bill Table

Selecting Bill TABLE will take you to the transaction screen with all the food items listed on the transaction grid. Promotions defined in the application would apply automatically and reflect on the Transaction Grid. 

Tap on the Pay button to reach the Payment Screen. Select the mode of payment from the options available and process the payment for the table order. 

Tap Pay on the Tender Collection screen to complete the payment and reach the Sale Complete screen.

When you tap on Bill TABLE, the application calculates the bill based on the price defined in the system. See: Product. In case multiple orders are placed from a Table, the application will generate a consolidated bill. 

You can click on the Print symbol to print the transaction receipt. Alternatively you can type the recipient’s email address to email the transaction receipt. 

A transaction receipt is similar to a KOT receipt but is a bit more detailed and is intended for the customer rather than the kitchen staff. A sample transaction receipt is pasted below for your reference. 

When the transaction is complete, the Suspended transaction (ST001-SU-6) is replaced by a Sale transaction (ST001-TX-6).  

In this article, we have covered all the steps involved in managing QR Table Orders using Tagrain App for Android. 

Suggested Readings

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