In this article: We will cover the features that get unlocked upon activating the Scan and Order Plugin.
To be able to use the Scan and Order feature, you need to ensure that the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin is activated. This is required so that you are able to define tables for your cafe.

The plugin Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining is included in both - Community and Enterprise editions. This means that you will NOT be required to purchase and subscribe to this plugin. You just need to activate the plugin from the Plugins screen. Alternatively, you can activate the plugin when upgrading your existing Tagrain account from the admin section. Since the Plugin is already included in your edition, clicking the activate button will activate the plugin without you requiring to go through the subscription management page / process.
Once you have decided upon the number of tables you wish to deploy in your Cafe or Restaurant, you will then need to decide the number of tables you like to enable for QR Ordering.

Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licences that you have acquired. The number of QR Codes that you generate for your table(s) impacts your Scan and Order Plugin licensing.

The Scan and Order feature is available only when you have first activated the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin. If you attempt to activate the Scan and Order Plugin without first activating the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin you will get an alert notification pop up screen asking you to activate the plugin.
Scan and Order Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows customers to use their mobile phones to scan a QR code kept at their table(s) to place an order. Scanning the QR code opens a mobile responsive landing page using which the customer can place a table order. See: Features of the Scan and Order Plugin.

Plugins in Tagrain are either Subscription Based or License Based. So the price that you pay for your plugins is based on the number of POS terminals that you have in your setup and the number of licences that you have acquired. The Scan and Order Plugin is license based. This means the amount you pay depends on the number of QR Codes that you generate for your tables.
Features of the Scan and Order Plugin
The Scan and Order Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain allowing you to further extend the capabilities of your TAGRAIN edition. Some of the prominent features are listed below:
-- QR code based ordering
-- Branded landing page
-- Printable KOT
-- Order tracking
Allows QR code based ordering
The Scan and Order Plugin when purchased and activated allows customers to use their mobile phones to scan a QR code at their table or seat to place an order. Scanning the QR code opens a mobile responsive website using which the customer can place an order.
Navigate to Home > Setup > Store Management to open the Store Master Data Screen. Click the Edit symbol next to your store under which you intend to modify the tables. Expand the Tables accordion.
Click the Download symbol displayed under the Action column. This will download the corresponding QR code.
Once downloaded you can print and paste this QR Code on the Ordering Card and place it on the corresponding table.

The application does NOT allow you to generate a QR Code for a table marked as a Takeaway table.
If you attempt to enable QR Ordering for a Takeaway table the application will generate an error message pop up. (As shown in the screenshot below)
This QR code is uniquely mapped to that table and contains its number and location. It also embeds the URL to the Landing Page URL which when scanned copies the URL which can then be pasted in the mobile browser to open the landing page.
Brand your landing page
The Scan and Order settings page allow you to control the UI (appearance) of the Scan and Order App i.e. how the landing page would look when the QR Code is scanned at the table.
From Application Title to Brand Logo, it lets you control everything on the landing page.
In addition to this you can also control what specific customer information you would like to capture on the Order Placement screen. For Example, you can choose to capture only the name or email or phone.
Allows you to print KOT
The Scan and Order Plugin when purchased and activated allows you to print KOT.
A KOT is required to be printed on order confirmation so that the order can be prepared in the kitchen.
To print KOT, you are required to navigate to the Recent Sales screen and select the Order (Suspended transaction) that needs to be fulfilled. Tap on the Action [...] button and select Print KOT.
By default, when the Scan and Order Plugin is activated, the Print Suspended Transaction is set to ON. If you don’t see the option to print a suspended transaction, make sure to flip the switch Print Suspended Transaction ON under Global Settings. (Navigate to Home > Setup > General Settings > Global Settings) See: Global Settings
Allows Order Tracking
Once the order is confirmed, the cashier will see a pop up for the new order in the notification section on the Web Register. This notification will include the following information:
-- Store ID
-- Table Number
-- Time / Date when the order was placed
A corresponding entry for the new order is recorded under Recent Sales as a Suspended Transaction. (As shown in the screenshot below)
The cashier can tap on the new order notification pop up to reach directly to the Recent Sales screen. Alternatively he can click on the Recent Sales tile on the Web Register to reach the Recent Sales screen.
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