Serial controlled products are those products that have a unique serial number attached to them. Whenever these products are received in the store, it is mandatory to allocate serial numbers to all the pieces that are being received. A good example for a Serial product would be electronic items. For example: a mobile phone, or a television.
Batch controlled products are those products that have a shelf life. These products are dealt with in batches and every batch may have one or more than one quantity in it. A good example for a Batch-controlled product would be dairy items. For example: milk, butter, eggs etc.

At the Web Register, it is mandatory to select a serial number every time a serial controlled product is sold and a batch number every time a batch-controlled product is sold.

In case you have activated the plugin Customer Order and Delivery Management, you have the option to furnish serial numbers or batch numbers at the time of delivering the products. This is a setting that is controlled by a switch in General Settings > Global Settings > Select serial/batch at the time of delivery
Serial and Batch Product Management plugin once activated, allows you to further extend the capabilities of your Tagtain edition.
Serial Products
Tagrain community edition only allows you to define standard products. However, with this plugin purchased and activated you will be able to expand your product portfolio. This plugin allows you to define Serial product types in Tagrain.
Batch Products
Tagrain community edition only allows you to define standard products. However, with this plugin purchased and activated you will be able to expand your product portfolio. This plugin allows you to define Batch product types in Tagrain.
Goods Receipts
A Good receipt is a document which is used to receive stock into your store, this can be for opening stock / stock adjustments or where the stock is received without a purchase order . With this Plugin purchased and activated, you can record all types of goods receipts, especially the goods received from vendors (suppliers). Goods Receipt transaction is also used in adjusting inventory levels in the stores.
Goods Issue
A Good issue is a document which is used to reduce stock in your store, this can be for stock adjustments or where the stock is issued out of the store. Goods Issue transaction can be used to return goods to vendors, issue out products for trial to customers or may want to rent out your products (to be returned later). Goods Issue transaction is also used in adjusting inventory levels in the stores.
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