Time Based Menus in Tagrain Hospitality

Time Based Menus in Tagrain Hospitality


Tagrain hospitality, though available as a plugin, is more of an industry vertical. This vertical is targeted towards small cafes and restaurants who are selling food items like Burgers, Wraps, Sandwiches, Muffins, Pastries and beverages like coffee, tea and bottled drinks. 

These Cafes either sell prepackaged and already prepared food items or food items that can be further modified on customer’s request. For example the customer can ask for an extra slice of cheese in their burger OR can ask for an extra shot in the coffee OR can ask to remove ice cubes from the cold drink. 

These and such Cafes are further characterised by the fact that they may have a small seating area of a few tables where the food is served to the customers.

See: Features of the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining plugin. 
Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin is included in the Community and Enterprise edition.
In this article, we will cover how a time-based menu is created and managed in Tagrain. 

Steps to define Time Based Menu in Tagrain

A Menu is a list of items (beverages & food items) that are available to be sold on the Web Register.  These items can be sold individually or can be sold as a part of a combo deal. 

If you have menu items (products sold on the POS) and/or combo products that you would like to sell only during specific times, you can do so by creating time based menus.

Breakfast menu, lunch menu, kids menu, etc.are some examples of time based menus. 

The steps to define Time-Based menu in Tagrain are listed below:

Step 1. Navigate to Home > Inventory > Menu. This will bring up the “Menu” Master screen. All existing menu(s) will be listed on this screen. 

Step 2. Click the “Add Menu” button. It will open up the “Menu Card” screen. On this screen you can choose if you want your menu to be a time based menu.

You must fill in the required information including the mandatory fields such as Menu Name | Active etc. The mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. The fields on the Create Menu Card screen are explained below:

Menu Name
Specify the Menu Name. For example: Breakfast Menu, Lunch Menu, etc. 

This switch determines if the menu is active or not. Menu which is not marked as active will not be available for selection on the Web Register.

Time Controlled
This switch determines whether the menu is available only for a specific time window. When you enable this switch 2 additional fields are activated - “Available From” and “Available To”. 

For the purpose of this article, we will create a BREAKFAST MENU in Tagrain and see what it looks like.

Step 3. Specify the Menu Name as “Breakfast”. Mark the menu as “Active”.  A Menu which is not marked as active will not be available for selection on the Web Register.

Step 4. Enable the “Time Controlled” switch. Specify the “Available From”  and “Available To” time. In this article we picked up the “Available From” time as 6:30 AM and the “Available To” time as 10:30 AM, since we are setting up a Breakfast Menu

Step 5. Expand the “Details” section. Specify the Menu Items that need to be included in the Breakfast Menu. In this article we have created a simple Breakfast Menu with 3 items in total - Ham & Egg Sandwich, Brewed Coffee, and Apple Juice. This menu would appear on the Web Register. See: Time Based Menus on Web Register.

Step 6. Specify an “Image” for the Menu. Click on the “Pencil” symbol to upload the image. This would help you identify the menu with ease on the Web Register or tablets

If the setting Show Hospitality Products = True, the Web Register will have the Menus displayed first. If the setting Show Retail Products is also = True, then the retail product groups will be displayed AFTER the hospitality products.

All Menus will have the option to be categorised whether they are time based or not. In case the switch Is Time Based is ON, the user will have to specify the start time and an end time. Refer to Sheet Time Based Menus of the excel sheet to know more about how the Menu screen will look like

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