Using the Clock In / Clock Out feature

Using the Clock In / Clock Out feature

In this Knowledge Article we will cover the following:
  1. Steps to Clock In
  2. Steps to Clock Out
  3. Clock In and Clock Out Reporting


A roster is a list containing the names of staff members with the tasks assigned to them along with the shift start time and shift end time. You can not only schedule shifts, track your staff attendance,  but also restrict their login hours beyond shift time from the Staff Roster screen.


To be able to define a roster for your staff members, you must subscribe to and activate the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin. See: How to activate the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin?

Steps to Clock In

The steps to Clock In are explained below:

Step 1. Navigate to Home >  Web Register to open the Web Register screen. You should see a Clock symbol in the POS header section, next to the notification symbol. 

Step 2. Click the Clock symbol to open the Clock In / Clock Out screen. The Clock In / Clock Out screen displays the users along with their name and profile picture.

You can use the Clock In and Clock Out feature to record the number of hours a user was active in the Store. This will help you keep track of the user’s work hours, attendance, and ensure fair pay outs.

Step 3. Click the Clock In button displayed on the user tile for the user you want to Clock In. 

Step 4. Specify the Login PIN  for the user you want to Clock In to record in time. The Login PIN comprises a 4 digit number and is set up at the time of user creation. 

Once a user is successfully clocked in the user tile will display the Clocked In time and date. The screenshot below depicts that Frank Castle Clocked In at 1:55PM on July 10, 2023.

Steps to Clock Out

The steps to Clock Out are explained below:

Step 1. Navigate to Home >  Web Register to open the Web Register screen. You should see a Clock symbol in the POS header section, next to the notification symbol. 

Step 2. Click the Clock symbol to open the Clock In / Clock Out screen. The Clock In / Clock Out screen displays the users along with their name and profile picture.

The screenshot above depicts that Frank Castle Clocked In at 1:55PM on July 10, 2023.

You can use the Clock In and Clock Out feature to record the number of hours a user was active in the Store. This will help you keep track of the user’s work hours, attendance, and ensure fair pay outs.

Step 3. Click the Clock Out button displayed on the user tile for the user you want to Clock Out. 

Step 4. Specify the Login PIN  for the user you want to Clock Out to record out time. The Login PIN comprises a 4 digit number and is set up at the time of user creation. 

Clock In / Clock Out Reporting

You  can monitor the user Clock In and Clock Out time using the Time Card Report. The steps to generate the Clock In / CLock Out report for a user are explained in the section below. 

Time Card Report

The steps to generate the Time Card Report are explained below:

Step 1. Navigate to Home >  Reports to open the Time Card Report screen. 

Step 2. Select the User. You can either type the name of the User in the User Text Field OR click on the [...] to select a user on the User Selection screen.

If you do not select a User, the Time Card Report is generated for all the Users defined in the system.

Step 3. Select the Date Range. You can either click on the date itself to pick the Start Date and the End Date OR use the Date Template to pick a Date Range from the menu displayed on the right. You can even define a Custom Date Range. 

Step 4. Click the Search button to generate the Time Card Report.

The screenshot above depicts that Frank Castle Clocked In only once on July 10, 2023 at 1:55PM and Clocked Out at 4:50PM. 

Time Card Report Data

The Time Card Report data primarily consists of the following information:

This column of the report displays the User’s Name. The User Name is different from the Login Name.

This column of the report displays the date in the date format specified on the Display Settings page. 

Time In / Time Out
This column of the report displays the Clock In and Clock Out time of the user.

Hours Logged
This column of the report displays the hours a user has logged in to the system. It is the difference in the Clock Out Time and the Clock In Time and is calculated/displayed in  hours.

Expected Hours
This column of the report displays the hours a user is expected to be logged in to the system. It is calculated based on the user schedule specified on the Staff Roster screen. 

Suggested Readings

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