Managing Staff Roster

Managing Staff Roster

In this Knowledge Article, we will cover the following:
  1. Steps to define a roster for the staff members
  2. Steps to manage a roster
  3. Steps to restrict user login
  4. Steps to configure logout alert notification
  5. Steps to schedule Work OFFs
  6. Steps to manage Work OFFs 


A roster is a list containing the names of staff members with the tasks assigned to them along with the shift start time and shift end time. You can not only schedule shifts, track your staff attendance,  but also restrict their login hours beyond shift time from the Staff Roster screen.


To be able to define a roster for your staff members, you must subscribe to and activate the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin. 

Steps to define a Roster

The steps to define a roster are explained below:

Step 1. Navigate to Home >  Setup > User Management to open the User Management Screen. All the settings pertaining to a user are displayed on this screen. From user creation, to assigning roles, managing permissions, and defining roster, are all stored under the User Management master.

Step 2. Click the Staff Roster button to open the Staff Roster screen. This screen comprises all those settings that are required to create and manage a roster. You are required to fill in the mandatory fields using the available valid values to define a roster. 

Step 3. Select a Store from the list of available stores. This is required because your retail business might be operating from different store locations. Selecting the Store will ensure that the Staff Roster is applied to the correct set of people in the desired Store. (This field is mandatory. All the mandatory fields are marked with an (*) asterisk mark)

Step 4. Select the start date and end date for the Roster. The date range that you define here would apply to the Roster. (This field is mandatory)

Rosters are generally defined for the entire week. However, Tagrain not only allows you to define the Staff Roster for the entire week but also carry it forward to the subsequent week(s) by clicking the Copy To Next 2 Weeks button.

Step 5. Perform a user search using the user lookup field. You can search for a user using his User Name only. 

Step 6. Select the shift start time and shift end time for the user selected in Step 5. You can click the Clock Symbol to pick the Time from the drop-down list.

The difference between the shift Start Time and the shift End Time will account for the actual Work Hours. 
The Start Time and the End Time displayed here is governed by the Time Zone and the Date Time Format specified on the Global Setting page.

Step 7. Once you have selected the users and defined the work hours, click the “Add to Schedule” button. This will add the number of hours that the users are required to work in the entire week and display the information in the User Grid. 

The screenshot above displays the Work Hours for Tony Stark, Frank Castle, and Dany Rand in a grid format. The grid displays the User Name, along with the date column that displays the Start Time and the End Time for that particular day. 

The User Grid allows you to manage the Roster defined. It allows you to:
  1. Copy Roster to Subsequent Weeks
  2. Restrict User Login
  3. Schedule Work OFFs

Copy Roster to Subsequent Weeks

It is a common practice to define rosters for the entire week. When you click the “Add to Schedule” button a week's roster is prepared and displayed on the User Grid. However, you can extend the Staff Roster to the subsequent week(s) by clicking the Copy To Next Week button or Copy To Next 2 Weeks button, and so on.

Restrict User Login

You can flip the switch Block Login Beyond Shift Time to restrict a user from logging in to the application. In our illustration, if Tony Stark attempts to log in to the application before 3:00 PM or after 8:00 PM, he should see the below pop up.  

Log Out Alert Notification

When you flip the switch Block Login Beyond Shift Time to restrict user login, the Log Out Alert Notification feature is activated for that user. This means that, when the user’s shift is about to end, he would be notified 30 minutes in advance. 

The user should see a red triangle symbol right next to the Clock In / Clock Out symbol.

Clicking on the red triangle symbol will open the Clock In / Clock Out screen. The footer section of the Clock In / Clock Out screen will display the Alert - “You will be automatically logged out in xx minutes.” The xx denotes the time in minutes which can range between 1 - 30 minutes.

The application allows every user a buffer of 15 minutes before the Login time and after the Log Out time.

Scheduling Work OFFs

You can schedule Work Offs for any staff member working in your store using the Set Start and End Time popup screen. 

You need to double-click the timestamp displayed for that user for that particular day to open the Set Start and End Time popup screen and flip the switch Working to OFF to reset the Start Time and End Time fields to 00:00. You can even specify the comments in the Comment field. For Example, Work OFF, etc

Let’s assume that one of your staff members - Tony Stark wants a day off on July 05, Wednesday. You need to double click on the time slot for July 05 

This will open the Set Start and End Time pop up as shown in the screenshot below:

Flip the switch Working to OFF to reset the Start Time and End Time fields to 00:00. You can even specify the comments in the Comment field. For Example, Work OFF, etc

Copy Work OFFs to the days remaining in the week 

If you want to copy the Work Off to the day(s) remaining in the week, you can flip the switch Update for the rest of the days to ON. This will automatically copy the Work Off to the remaining days in the week. 

Be careful when you flip the Update for the rest of the days, switch ON to update the Start Time and End Time or schedule work off for multiple days remaining in the week. What this does is that it will create an exact replica of the current roster for the subsequent week(s).

Suggested Readings

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