What information can I monitor using the Appointment Report?

What information can I monitor using the Appointment Report?


Appointment Report is used for monitoring the appointments booked store wise. The report contains information about the services booked, along with the appointment date and time. It also gives you information about the customer who booked the service along with his contact details - email address and phone number.


Appointment Booking is a mechanism where your customer can reserve a specific time slot usually online or over the phone to avail professional services.
You can book appointments for service in Tagrain only when you subscribe to and activate the Appointment Booking plugin.

Steps to generate the Appointment Report

The steps to generate the Appointment Booking Report are explained below:

Navigate to Home > Reports > Appointment Booking

Select a Service. This field is optional. You can either type the name of the Service in the Service Text Field OR click on the [...] to select a Service on theService Selection screen.

Specify a Date Range for which the report is to be generated. You can either click on the date itself to pick the Start Date and the End Date OR use the Date Template to pick a date range from the menu displayed on the right. You can even define a Custom Date Range. Click the Apply button to save the Date Range specified. 

Click on the Search Button to generate the report.

Once the report is generated, the columns can then be filtered in ascending / descending order.

The Appointment Report is displayed in a grid format. Every row in the grid represents a transaction. Each column in the grid represents the different values of the transaction (row)

Appointment Report Data

The Appointment Report contains the following information:

Displays the name of the service offered at the Store

Appointment Date
Displays the date when the appointment is scheduled

Appointment Time
Displays the time when the appointment is scheduled

Displays the name of the store that is arranging the service

Customer Name
Displays the name of the customer for whom the appointment is booked

Displays the email address of the person for whom the appointment is booked

Phone Number
Displays the phone number of the person for whom the appointment is booked

Export the Appointment Report

The Appointment Report can be exported using the Export button. The steps to export the Appointment Booking Report are as follows:
Step 1. Generate the Appointment Report button
Step 2. Click on the Export button 
Step 3. Browse to a location where you want to save the Appointment Booking Report. 
Step 4. Click on the Save button to save the AppointmentBookingReport.xls file.

When exporting the Appointment Booking Report report, the date is always exported in MM/DD/YYYY format irrespective of the date format specified in Display Settings (Home > Setup > General Settings > Display Settings) OR the date time format of the Operating System OR Excel.

Print the Appointment Booking Report

Appointment Booking Report can be printed using the Print button. The steps to print the Appointment Booking Report are explained below:
Step 1. Generate the Appointment Booking Report.  
Step 2. Click the Print button to open the Print Preview page. 
Step 3. Select the destination printer. 
Step 4. Specify the number of copies and pages to be printed.
Step 5. Click on the Print button to print the Appointment Booking Report. 

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