Windcave Payment Processor Plugin - Activation

Windcave Payment Processor Plugin - Activation


Windcave Payment Processor Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain and allows you to offer a quick, seamless and secure payment experience to your customers.Upon successful integration, you can take credit and debit card payments from customers using Windcave payment device at the POS terminal. This integration will help you save the hassle of manually entering the amount and card details at the POS. 

Available in multiple countries including the USA, Canada, and Great Britain, Windcave Payment Processor Plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands.The Windcave Payment Processor Plugin comes free with Tagrain. Activating this plugin will have no impact on your existing subscription. See: Subscription Management in Tagrain 


Before you activate the Windcave Payment Processor plugin, you need to keep the below information handy:
  1. Windcave Username
  2. Windcave Key
Note: This information will be used when setting up your Payment Type. 

In this article we will cover the following:
  1. Steps to activate the Windcave Payment Processor Plugin.
  2. Steps to configure the Windcave Payment Type
  3. Steps to map the Wincave Payment Type with the POS terminal

Activate the Windcave Payment Processor Plugin

The Windcave Payment Processor Plugin activation allows you to accept credit card payments from your customers. This plugin is available only for customers who have a paid subscription with Tagrain.

You can subscribe to and activate the Windcave Payment Processor plugin from the Purchase Subscription screen. There are multiple ways you can approach this screen. 

From the Plugins Screen  

You can follow the steps below to activate Windcave Payment Processor plugin from the Plugins screen:

Navigate to Home > Plugins to open the Plugins Grid View screen. This screen is divided into the following sections – 

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays all the Plugins, irrespective of the fact whether they are active or not.

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays the Plugins that the user has already subscribed to and are active.

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays the Plugins that the user is yet to subscribe to and are not active.

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays the Plugins that when subscribed may prove useful to the user in upscaling his business.

This section of the Plugin Grid View screen displays all the third-party Plugins that can be seamlessly integrated with Tagrain.

Click the Activate button on the Windcave Payment Processor plugin tile to open the Activation Popup screen. This screen will give you two choices:

OK And Continue Selecting
Click this button if you wish to add more plugins to your existing Tagrain edition.

Review And Checkout
Click this button if you wish to add this single plugin to your existing Tagrain edition.

To keep things simple and easy to understand, we have assumed that you are activating only the Windcave Payment Processor plugin at this time. 

Click the Review & Checkout button to proceed to the Purchase Subscription page. This page will show you the plan you are subscribed to along with the number of Stores and POS available.  

Navigate to the Choose Your Subscription section. You should see your plugin ticked / selected for activation.

When you approach the Purchase Subscription page from the Plugins screen, you will see that your plugin is pre-selected (ticked) for activation. 

Review your order summary and click on the Confirm & Pay button in the Cart Detail section to proceed with activation.

Once the plugin is activated, an additional field Windcave is added in the Payment Type drop-down.

At this stage, while the Windcave Payment Processor plugin is activated, you still need to configure payment types and then map Windcave Device ID to Tagrain POS, to be able to collect payments using Windcave.

From the Manage Account Section

You can follow the steps below to activate a plugin from the Manage Account section:

Navigate to the admin section in the top right corner of the screen and click Manage Account. On the Subscription screen that opens, click the Upgrade button to reach the Purchase Subscription page.

Navigate to the Choose Your Subscription section on the Purchase Subscription page. 

This page will show you the plan you are subscribed to along with the number of Stores and POS available. You can increase or decrease your Store / POS count. Increasing the POS count will have an impact on your subscription. 

You simply need to put a tick against the activation check box on the plugin tile to mark the plugin as Active.

When you approach the Purchase Subscription page from the Manage Account section, you will have to manually put a tick against the activation check box on the plugin tile to mark the plugin as Active.

Review your order summary and click on the Confirm & Pay button in the Cart Detail section to proceed to the Review Subscription screen. Click the Pay button on the Review Subscription screen to proceed with the payment. 

At this stage, while the Windcave Payment Processor plugin is activated, you still need to configure payment types and then map Windcave Device ID to Tagrain POS, to be able to collect payments using Windcave.

Configure the Windcave Payment Type

The steps to configure the Windcave Payment Type are explained below:

Navigate to Home > Setup > Payment Type. The Payment List View Screen lists all the payment types. 

Click the Add Payment Type button to create a new Payment Type. Specify a Name, Type, Display Order for the Payment Type like you would do for any other Payment Type. The name of the payment type that you specify in the Name field is displayed on the Web Register. 

Click the Add Payment Type button and select Windcave as the payment type. Specify the name and display order and click Connect. 

Alert: You will see the Windcave in the Payment Type drop-down field only when you have activated the Windcave Payment Processor Plugin in Tagrain. The Windcave User information and Key is provided by Windcave. 
When you purchase a Windcave Device, the Windcave team shares this User Name and the API Key via an email. This information is used to establish the connection between your Tagrain account and your Windcave account. 

Click the save button to save the changes and exit the screen. 

Upon successful handshake, Windcave is added as a Payment Type and would start reflecting in the Payment List View Screen. 

Map the Windcave device to Tagrain POS

Once you have added Windcave as a Payment Type, you must map the Windcave Device to your POS terminal. To achieve this you need to obtain the Device ID of the Windcave device. 

Navigate to the Home > Setup > Store Management > POS and click the edit symbol next to the POS Register that you want the Windcave Device to be mapped to.

Specify the Windcave Device ID in the Payment Device ID field. This is done to ensure that Amount to Pay on the Web Register is reflected correctly on the appropriate Windcave Device. 

When you purchase a Windcave Device, the Windcave team shares this User Name and the API Key via an email. This information is used to establish the connection between your Tagrain account and your Windcave account. 

Once the Windcave is configured as a Payment Type and the Device successfully mapped to a POS terminal, you should be able to collect debit and credit card payments from your customers using a Windcave payment gateway. 

Suggested Readings

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