Can I see the hours an individual staff member has worked for?

Can I see the hours an individual staff member has worked for?

In this Knowledge Article we will cover the steps to generate, print, and export the Hours Worked Report.


The Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows you to extend the functionality of your existing Tagrain edition by letting you create the roster (shifts) for your staff members. A roster is a list containing the names of staff members with the tasks assigned to them along with the shift start time and shift end time. 

With the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin subscribed and activated, you can schedule shifts, track staff attendance, restrict user login hours beyond shift time, and generate reports. 

Hours Worked Report is used for reviewing and Monitoring the time (in hours) that  a user has worked on a particular day. The number of hours a user has worked based on his schedule as defined in the Staff Roster.


To be able to generate the Hours Worked Report, you must subscribe and activate the Staff Scheduling and Time Management Plugin. Upon plugin activation you should see an additional sub menu under Reports - Hours Worked Report. Using this report you can monitor the total time (in hours) that a user has logged in and calculate the shortfall (in hours). Hours Shortfall = Expected Hours - Hours Logged.  

Steps to generate the Hours Worked Report

The steps to generate a Hours Worked Report are explained below:

Step 1. Navigate to Home >  Reports to open the Hours Worked Report screen. 

Step 2. Select the User. You can either type the name of the User in the User Text Field OR click on the [...] to select a user on the User Selection screen.

If you do not select a User, the Hours Worked Report is generated for all the Users who are rostered in the system.

Step 3. Select the Date Range. You can either click on the date itself to pick the Start Date and the End Date OR use the Date Template to pick a Date Range from the menu displayed on the right. You can even define a Custom Date Range. 

Step 4. Click the Search button to generate the Hours Worked Report. The Hours Worked report will display the time a user was logged in (in Hours) and the time that user was expected to work (in Hours), in the specified date or date range. 

Hours Worked Report Data

The Hours Worked Report data primarily consists of the following information:

This column of the report displays the User’s Name. The User Name is different from the Login Name.

Hours Logged
This column of the report displays the hours a user has logged in to the system. It is calculated based on the user schedule specified on the Staff Roster screen. 

Let’s try to understand this with an example. A user Frank Martin is scheduled to work for 9 hours in a day and is rostered to log in at 9:00AM and log out at 6:00PM. The Hours Logged for Frank Martin will be calculated from the time he logs in to the time he logs out. Now if Frank Martin logs in at 10:00AM and logs out at 5:00PM, the Hours Logged for Frank Martin would be 7 Hours and Expected Hours would be 9 Hours. 

Expected Hours
This column of the report displays the hours a user is expected to be logged in to the system. It is calculated based on the user schedule specified on the Staff Roster screen. 

Print the Hours Worked Report

Hours Worked Report can be printed using the "Print" button. The steps to print a Hours Worked Report are explained below:

Step 1. Generate the Hours Worked Report.  

Step 2. Click the Print button to open the Print Preview page. 

Step 3. Select the destination printer. 

Step 4. Specify the number of copies and pages to be printed.

Step 5. Click on the Print button to print the Hours Worked Report. 

Export the Hours Worked Report

Hours Worked Report can be exported using the "Export" button. The steps to export the Hours Worked Report are explained below:

Step 1. Click on the Export button 

Step 2. Browse to a location where you want to save the Hours Worked Report. 

Step 3. Click on the Save button to save the HoursWorked.xls file.

Suggested Readings

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