Collections and Delivery Orders Report

Collections and Delivery Orders Report


Collections and Delivery Orders report displays fulfillment summary. It displays whether the order is pending or successfully delivered or picked up.  This report can be filtered by Store / Date Range/ Customer/ Transaction Type and Transaction Status. 

Home > Reports > Collection / Delivery Orders


Collections and Delivery Report is used to monitor and track the sale fulfilments. 

Steps to View the Collections and Delivery Report

Go to Home > Reports > Collections and Delivery Report. This will bring up the Collections and Delivery Report home page. 

The Collections and Delivery Orders Report feature is unlocked upon activation of the Customer Order and Delivery Management plugin.

To selectively filter the report, you need to perform the following steps:

-- Select a Store
-- Select a Date range for which transaction information is to be displayed
-- Select a customer
-- Select transaction type: All | Store Pickup |Home Delivery
-- Select transaction status: All | Pickup Pending | Delivery Pending.
-- Click the Search Button
-- The Collections and Delivery Report for the selected parameters is displayed.

Report Data
The Collections and Dekivery Order Report data contains the following information: 

Transaction ID
Transaction ID is a unique number assigned to the Transaction. Clicking on the blue arrow next to the line item will expand the row to reveal the information below:

Product ID
Displays the Product ID. 

Displays the Product Description. 

Displays the Ordered quantity.

Open Quantity
Displays the quantity that is eligible for a refund.

Displays the quantity that is yet to be delivered or picked up.

Displays the Order Total.

Store is the name of the store where the transaction occurred.

POS is the name of the Point of Sale where the transaction was created.

The name of the person who sold the products.

Actual Date
The date and time on which the transaction took place.

The name of the customer who purchased the product(s).

Transaction Status Type
This displays the type of transaction that occurred at the POS. Each transaction will fall under one of the following types: 
-- Completed
-- Delivery Pending
-- Pickup Pending
-- Delivered
-- Suspended

Delivery Option Type
This displays whether the product was Home Delivered or Store Picked. 

Export the Collections and Delivery Orders Report

Collections and Delivery Orders Report can be exported using the "Export" button. Click on the Export button to download the CollectionDeliveryReport.xls file. The file is downloaded and automatically saved to the default file location as set in your browser. 

Print the Collections and Delivery Orders Report

Tagrain allows you to print the Collections and Delivery Order Report. You can follow the steps below to print the Collections and Delivery Order Report.

Step 1. Generate the Transaction Report.  

Step 2. Click the Print button to open the Print Preview page. 

Step 3. Select the destination printer. 

Step 4. Specify the number of copies and pages to be printed.

Step 5. Click on the Print button to print the Transaction Report. 

When exporting the Collections and Delivery Orders report, the date is always exported in MM/DD/YYYY format irrespective of the date format specified in Display Settings ( Home > Setup > General Settings > Display Settings ) OR the date time format of the Operating System OR Excel.

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