Transaction Report is used for reviewing and monitoring the transactions for all the stores or a particular store. This is a ledger kind of a report that lists all transactions done during a specified date range.

Home > Reports > Transaction Report
Steps To Generate Transaction Report
To generate a Transaction Report, navigate to Home > Reports > Transaction Report, and perform the following steps:
-- Select a Store
-- Select a Date range for which transaction list is to be generated
-- Click on Search Button
Once the report is generated, it can be then filtered by Store / POS / Customer and Date Range.

Every transaction listed in the report can be further expanded by clicking on the arrow at the beginning of the transaction row.
Expanding the transaction gives the details of the products purchased in the transaction and also the different payment types used to pay for the transaction.
Report Data
The Transaction Report data contains the below information:
Transaction ID
Transaction ID is a unique alphanumeric number assigned to the Transaction.
Store is the name of the store where the transaction occurred.
POS is the name of the Point Of Sale where the transaction was created.
Actual Date
The date and time on which the transaction took place.
The name of the customer who purchased the goods.
The total is the total amount of the individual transaction.
Is Suspended
If this is ticked, then the transaction is suspended and is yet to be processed.
If the transaction has been paid “On Account” the outstanding amount is shown in this column.
Has Sales
When ticked the transaction includes sale items, if unticked it may include refunds or account payments.
Transaction Status Type
The data in this field depends on the fact whether you have activated the Customer Order and Delivery Management plugin or not. If you have subscribed to and activated the plugin, the field will display one of the following values:
Delivery Pending: This is the case where the customer has preferred to get the order delivered, but the order is yet to be delivered
Delivery Complete: This is the state when the transaction (order) marked for delivery has been delivered
Pickup Pending: This is the case where the customer has preferred to store pickup the order, but the order is yet to be picked up
Pickup Complete: This is the state when the transaction (order) marked for pickup has been picked up by the customer

In case the Customer Order and Delivery Management plugin is not activated, the value in the field will be Complete.
Delivery Option Type
This denotes whether the transaction (order) is to be either delivered to the customer or is supposed to be picked up by the customer. This column will have a value if the plugin Customer Order and Delivery Management is activated in your Tagrain account.
Export the Transaction Report
Transaction Report can be exported using the "Export" button. Click on the Export button and browse to a location where you want to save the Transaction Report. Click on the Save button to save the file.
The exported report has the following worksheets in it:
-- Transaction Report (sheet)
-- Transaction Line Item (sheet)
-- Transaction Payments(sheet)
Transaction Report (sheet)
This is the list of all transactions by store sorted by transaction date in the descending order
Transaction Line Item (sheet)
This sheet lists all the products transacted in the transactions. This sheet gives detailed information about every product in the transaction. In addition to the transaction id, type of transaction (sale or a refund), quantity sold, the report also gives you the following details:
Sales (inc. tax) | Sales (Ex. tax) | Discounts |Product Cost | Gross Profit | Margin % Product Cost, Gross Profit and Margin % depends on the Cost and Price mentioned on the product.
Transaction Payments (sheet)
This is the 3rd sheet in the downloaded report and details the different payment types used in the transactions.

When exporting the Transaction report, the date is always exported in MM/DD/YYYY format irrespective of the date format specified in Display Settings ( Home > Setup > General Settings > Display Settings ) OR the date time format of the Operating System OR Excel.
Print the Transaction Report
Transaction Report can be Printed using the steps below:
Step 1. Generate the Transaction Report.
Step 2. Click the Print button to open the Print Preview page.
Step 3. Select the destination printer.
Step 4. Specify the number of copies and pages to be printed.
Step 5. Click on the Print button to print the Transaction Report.
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