The Kitchen Display System plugin when subscribed to and activated allows you to setup and use the Kitchen Display System with Tagrain. This integration helps you to notify the cooking staff as to what needs to be prepared and in what quantity. This way the cooking staff is able to glance through the entire table order along with any special requests made with the order and accordingly distribute the task among themselves. This not only avoids confusion and reduces the chances of any error in preparing the order but also ensures that all dishes in an order are ready on time. This also improves kitchen efficiency by reducing food wastage.
You must subscribe to and activate the Kitchen Display plugin to be able to set up and use the Kitchen Display System with Tagrain.
Note - If your cafe / restaurant allows customers to use their mobile phones to scan a QR code kept at their table(s) to place an order, you must subscribe to and activate the Scan and Order plugin
About Table View
Table View is a feature in Tagrain that allows you to view the table status. It tells you whether the Table is vacant or occupied.
On the Web Register you can click on the Table View icon to launch the Table View screen.
Table Status
Every table that you define in Tagrain will have one of the following status:
This means that the Table is not occupied by any customer and is ready to accept orders.
In Kitchen
This means that the Table is occupied and an order that has been placed is being prepared in the kitchen.
This means that the Table is occupied and an order that has been placed has been delivered but the payment is yet to be realized.
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