Managing home deliveries of Customer Orders

Managing home deliveries of Customer Orders


Customer Order and Delivery Management Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain and allows you to further extend the capabilities of your TAGRAIN edition. It allows you to add omnichannel capabilities to your  existing Tagrain application. With this Plugin activated, you can uniquely identify an order from a customer, capture customer specific instructions, offer your customers to buy products online, allow in-store pickups, and facilitate home delivery of products purchased. 

Steps involved in Home Delivery

In this section  we will learn what store pickups are and how they are booked in Tagrain. 

Step 1. Log in to the Web Register.

Step 2. Perform a “Product Search”. You can search for the product that the customer has ordered by using either the search bar, or by selecting the product itself via the product group tile, or by using your barcode scanner to scan in the product. 

Step 3. Perform a “Customer Search”. You can search for the customer using the code, name, email, or phone. There are 2 possibilities here. Customer’s name might already exist in the database, as he might have registered himself with Tagrain at some point of time or he may be a customer who has walked in for the first time in your store. In case he is a new customer, the best practice is to add him to the database. 

Step 4. Once you have added the products and the intended recipient on the transaction screen, you may click the “Add Delivery” button. 

Step 5. Click on the “Home Delivery” button on the “Delivery Option” Pop up screen. Customer’s default address updated in the database will be auto populated in the address field. However, if the Cashier enters an address different than the default address, it will only save that address for that special order and would not update the address in the customer master. 

For an order integrating from Shopify, the delivery address mentioned in the Shopify order will get integrated to this delivery address in Tagrain. 

Step 6. Specifying the Customer Name, Order Number, Order Delivery Date, Approximate Time Slot for delivery and the Mode of Payment in the Notes column would ease the delivery and facilitate sale order tracking. Click the “Save” button to confirm the delivery method. 

Step 7. Add discounts and/or surcharges, if any and click on the “Pay” button to proceed to the Payment screen.

Step 8. Upon successful payment, the transaction would be marked as “delivery pending” and would reflect at 2 different places in Tagrain - under the “Recent Sales” screen and on the “Fulfilments” screen.

A screenshot of the “Recent Sales” Screen is pasted below:

A screenshot of the “Fulfillments” Screen is pasted below:

In this section we will learn how the store pickups are fulfilled in Tagrain both from the Web Register screen as well as the Fulfilment screen.

From the Web Register

A Tagrain order can be fulfilled from the Web Register. The steps are mentioned below:

Step 1. Log in to the Tagrain Web application and navigate to: Home > Web Register. This will bring up the Web Register screen. Click on the “Recent Sales” Tile. This will bring up the Recent Sales window. The Recent Sales screen will list all the recent transactions.

Step 2. Click on the […] under the Action column. For the purpose of this article we selected the first 3 items - Brook Large Zip Hobo, Blue Lola Tote, and Grey Silver Elaine Tote for fulfillment. Once you have made your selection, you may click the option: Mark as Delivered. 

Step 3. The “Delivery Note” screen comes up upon selecting the  “Mark as Delivered” option. Fill in the “Tracking Number” and the “Tracking URL”. In our example we changed the Delivering Quantity from “1” to “0” for Pebble Leather Crossbody and Bryant Dome Satchel as we would demonstrate fulfilling  these items from the “Fulfillments” screen. 

Step 4. Click the “Save” button on the Delivery Note screen to complete the delivery.

From the Fulfilment Screen

A Tagrain order can be fulfilled from the Fulfilment screen. The steps are mentioned below:

Step 1. Log in to the Tagrain Web application and navigate to: Home > Inventory Transactions > Fulfilments. This will bring up the Fulfilments screen. 

The Fulfilments screen will list all the transactions that have been fulfilled or awaiting Fulfilment.  It has the following 3 sections:

This screen displays all the sale orders whether they are Pickup Pending or Delivery Pending.

Pickup Pending
This screen displays only those orders that are marked as “Pickup Pending”.

Delivery Pending
This screen displays only those orders that are marked as “Delivery Pending”.

Step 2. Click on the “Delivery Pending” tab. Select the remaining 2 items to be delivered - Pebble Leather Crossbody and Bryant Dome Satchel.  Then click on the […] under the Action column. You will see the option: Mark as Delivered. 

Step 3. The “Delivery Note” screen comes up upon selecting the  “Mark as Delivered” option. Fill in the “Tracking Number” and the “Tracking URL”. Earlier in this article we changed the Delivering Quantity from “1” to “0” for Pebble Leather Crossbody and Bryant Dome Satchel. Now we would process the fulfillment for the remaining 2 items -  Pebble Leather Crossbody and Bryant Dome Satchel.

Step 4. Click the “Save” button on the Delivery Note screen to complete the delivery.

The Delivery Note screen contains information about the Order Delivery. It contains the:
  1. Product Name
  2. The quantity ordered
  3. The quantity pending
  4. The delivering quantity
  5. The Tracking ID
  6. The Tracking URL
  7. Notes section.  
You need to fill in the Tracking ID, the Tracking URL, and specify the notes, if any and then click the “Save” button to generate a “Delivery Receipt”.  

Impact of home delivery on the Stock Levels

When a transaction is marked for “Delivery” in Tagrain, it has the following impact on inventory:
  1. Quantities marked for Pickup or Delivery are reserved and are not available for sales
  2. As the quantities are picked up by the customer or delivered, the reservation is reduced by the picked up / delivered quantity
  3. In case of a Refund the stock on hand is increased by the refunded quantity. There is no change to the reservation (in case the deliveries were partial) 
  4. In case the order is cancelled, the reserved quantity is reduced to zero, However, there is no change in the stock on hand quantity 

Suggested Readings

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