Performing a Stock Count of Variant and Composite Products

Performing a Stock Count of Variant and Composite Products

In this Knowledge Article, we are going to cover the steps to count inventory for some Variant Products. 

For illustration purposes, we have considered the  following product:

Product Name - Women Coat product
Product Code - WC-1001
Product Description - 
Product Type - Variant

The product Women Coat (WC-1001) is a variant product and has 3 variants - Small (ITM-13), Medium (ITM-14), and Large (ITM-15). 

ITM-13 - Small
ITM-14 - Medium
ITM-15 - Large


Stock Counting Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows you to keep a track of your inventory. It helps you reconcile the actual physical stock in hand at the store with the stock recorded in the system. 

During an inventory count, some or all item(s) in your store are counted manually and recorded in the system. When the inventory count is submitted, the application compares the actual physical stocks with the stocks recorded in the system and generates a report for any unexpected variances in your inventory levels. 

The Stock Counting feature ensures that your store's inventory records are updated and you do not end up spending on inventory holding costs. See: Features of the Stock Count Plugin


The only prerequisite to use the Stock Counting feature in Tagrain is to ensure that you are subscribed to the Stock Counting Plugin. 

The Stock Counting feature is available in Tagrain on activation of the Stock Counting Plugin. See: Features of the Stock Count Plugin

Steps to perform Stock Counting

We have already covered the Stock Counting process for Standard Products and the process to count the Variant Products is no different. 

In this article we have presumed that you have already created a Stock Count record by picking a Store, specifying the Stock Count Number, selecting the Count On date, and entering a Description.

Flip the Is Partial switch ON to display the Products accordion. The Products accordion allows you to select the product, the product group, or the product tag from the lookup type drop-down field and perform a Product search. 

There are multiple ways you can perform a products lookup. You can perform a search by typing in the Product Code, Product Description, Product Barcode, Product Group Description, or Product Tag Description. 

You can search for a Product by typing in the Product Code, Product Description, or Product Barcode
You can search for a Product Group by typing in the Product Group Description
You can search for a Product Tag by typing in the Product Tag Description

Add the Variant Products that you intend to count the inventory for.

To add the Womens Coat Product, you can lookup the product by typing its Product Code (WC-1001), or Product Description (Double-Breasted Trench Coat) in the lookup field. Alternatively, you can scan the Product Barcode using a Barcode Scanner.
Search via Product Code
When performing a product search via product code, you will need to specify the Parent Product Code. For Example, you need to type WC-1001. The application will automatically consider all the Child Products of that Parent.  

Search via Product Description
When performing a product search via product product description, you will need to specify the description of the Parent Product. For Example, you need to type Double-Breasted Trench Coat.  However, you can also specify the description of the Child Product. You can type Double-Breasted Trench Coat /S for small, Double-Breasted Trench Coat /M for medium, and Double-Breasted Trench Coat /L for large. In that case, it would restrict the product search to that Child Product. 

You can search for a Womens Coat Product also by typing its Product Group Description (Womens Coat) or Product Tag Description (Coats for Her).

Once you have added the Variant Product(s), click the Save & Back button to return to the Stock Count List View Screen.

Click on the Calculator symbol on the Stock Count List View Screen under the Actions column to open the Count screen. Count the products and enter the Counted Quantity in the column specified. Click the Save button

Clicking the Save button will open the Stock Count document. The Stock Count Document displays the System Quantity as well as the Counted Quantity. You can choose to Print the Stock Count document for your records. 

Return to the Stock Count List View Screen. Click on the Post symbol on the Stock Count List View Screen under the Actions column to open the Stock Count Posting screen.

The Stock Count Posting screen will display the System Quantity, the Counted Quantity, and the Adjustment Quantity columns.

The Adjustment Quantity column will automatically populate with the quantity adjusted and the status will change from Uncounted to either Matched or Unmatched.

The screenshot above shows that there are 2 products ITM-13 and ITM-15 with UnMatched status. 

Click on the Post button. You will see a notification pop up asking you to confirm if you would like to update the current inventory. (As shown in the Screenshot below)

Clicking on the Post button will adjust the quantities for these products: ITM-13 (-3) and ITM-15 (+3), reconcile the stock, and open the Stock Count Posting Document. You can choose to Print the Stock Count Posting document for your records. 

Upon successful posting the status on the Stock Count List View Screen will change from In Progress to Completed. (As shown in the Screenshot below)

Suggested Readings

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