Stock Counting of Products with Multiple UoM

Stock Counting of Products with Multiple UoM

In this article, we are briefly going to cover the Stock Counting process for products with Multiple Units of Measurement


Stock Counting Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows you to keep a track of your inventory. It helps you reconcile the actual physical stock in hand at the store with the stock recorded in the system. 

During an inventory count, some or all item(s) in your store is counted and recorded. When the inventory count is submitted,the application compares the actual physical stocks with the stocks recorded in the system and a report is generated for any unexpected variances in your inventory levels. The Stock Counting feature ensures that your store's inventory records are updated and you do not end up spending on inventory holding costs. See: Features of the Stock Count Plugin


The only prerequisite to use the Stock Counting feature in Tagrain is to ensure that you are subscribed to the Stock Counting Plugin. 
The Stock Counting feature is unlocked when you subscribe to and activate the Stock Counting Plugin. See: Stock Counting Plugin Features

Types of UoM available in Tagrain

Before we cover how Stock Counting is done for products with UoM, let us briefly cover the 3 types of UoM available in Tagrain - Base UoM, Base Purchase UoM, and Base Sales UoM.

The Multiple UoM feature is unlocked when you subscribe to and activate the Multiple Units of Measurement Plugin. See: Multiple Units of Measurement Plugin Features

Figure - 01 Multiple Units of Measure for MS-1001

Is Inventory Base UOM 
This is the base Unit of Measure and will always be 1. Let us understand this with the following examples. 

You have 1 (one) Shirt as the Is Base UoM and your storekeeper tells you that you have 100 in stock. This would mean that you have 100 shirts in stock. 

You have 1 (one) Box of Shirt as the Is Base UoM and your storekeeper tells you that you have 100 in stock. This would mean that you have 100 x 6 = 600 shirts in stock. 
Is Purchase Base UoM
This UoM is used for purchasing a product and is automatically selected when purchasing that product. 
Is Sales Base UoM 
This UoM is used for selling a product and is automatically selected at the point of sale when selling that product.

For a more information on Multiple Units of Measurement, please refer to the following articles:

Stock Counting for Products with UoM

We have already covered the Stock Counting process for Serial and Batch Products and Variant and Composite Products. However, in this article we will see how stock counting is done for Products with multiple UoM defined.

In this article, we have presumed that you have already created a Stock Count by picking a Store, specifying the Stock Count Number, selecting the Count On date, and entering a Description, and are on the Actual Count Screen. 

On the Actual Count Screen, the Unit of Measure Column will display the Base UoM of the product (selected for counting) by default. For example, in the screenshot above, the Unit of Measure column displays Each as the Base UoM, by default, for the Product (MS-1001 - Men's Dot Print Shirt) . Please refer to Figure-01. 

Count the products as per the UoM selected in the Unit of Measure Column and enter the Counted Quantity in the column specified. The Adjustment Quantity column will automatically populate with the quantity adjusted. 

If the counted quantity is the same as system quantity, the status will change to Matched and in case the counted quantity is different from the system quantity, the status will change to Unmatched.

When Each is selected as the Unit of Measure

When Pair is selected as the Unit of Measure

When Box is selected as the Unit of Measure

You might have observed that:

You can count the inventory in the UoM of your choice, irrespective of the Base UoM
Selecting a different UoM does not affect the Adjustment Quantity.

Once you are done with the counting, Click the Save (Save & Post) button. Give your consent on the notification pop update the current inventory. 

Navigate to the Stock Count List View Screen. Expand the desired Stock Count Number (STCNT-05). Click on the Eye Symbol under the Action column.

Click the Print button to Print the Stock Count Document.

Suggested Readings

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