With the introduction of the Offers, Discounts and Pricing Management Plugin Tagrain allows retailers like you to define the following promotion types:
-- Buy X | Get Y
-- Buy X | For a fixed price
-- Buy X | Save an amount
-- Spend X | Save an amount

These promotions are configured in the application to automatically apply when a certain condition is met.
To obtain a snapshot of the promotions applied over a period, you must run a Promotion Report. The report once generated can be filtered based on the time specified.

Home > Reports > Promotion Report
The purpose of the Promotion Report is to analyze the total discount offered via promotions.
Go to Home > Reports > Promotion Report. Upon clicking the Promotion Report, an exhaustive list of the promotions offered is auto populated. You may later choose to filter the report generated, based on Promotion, Promotion Count, Promotional Discount, Transaction Count, and Total Transaction Value.
To selectively filter the report, you need to perform the following steps:
Navigate to Home > Reports > Promotion Report
Select the Store from the drop-down list. You can either type the name of the Store in the Store Text Field OR click on the [...] to select a Store on the Store Selection screen.

Note - If you do not select a Store, the report will be generated for all the Stores by default.
Select the Promotion from the drop-down list. You can either type the name of the Promotion in the Search Field OR click on the [...] to select a Promotion on the Promotion Selection screen.

Note - If you do not select a Promotion, the report will be generated for all the Promotions applied.
-- Specify a Date Range from the calendar. You can either select a predefined option like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 15 Days, Current Month, Last Month OR select a Custom Range.
-- Click on the Search button.
-- Promotion Report for the specified fields is generated.
Promotion Report can be printed using the Print button. The steps to print the Promotion Report are listed below:
Step 1. Generate the Promotion Report.
Step 2. Click the Print button to open the Print Preview page.
Step 3. Select the destination printer.
Step 4. Specify the number of copies and pages to be printed.
Step 5. Click on the Print button to print the Promotion Report.
Promotion Report can be exported using the Export button. The steps to export the Promotion Report are listed below:
Step 1. Generate the Promotion Report
Step 2. Click on the Export button
Step 3. Browse to a location where you want to save the Promotion Report.
Step 4. Click on the Save button to save the PromotionReport.xls file.
The PromotionReport.xls file is a .xls file and can be opened using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets or any compatible spreadsheet processor.
When exporting the Promotion Report, the date is always exported in MM/DD/YYYY format irrespective of the date format specified in Display Settings (Home > Setup > General Settings > Display Settings) OR the date time format of the Operating System OR Excel.
Report Data
The Promotion Report data contains the following information:
This field displays the name of the promotion applied.
Promotion Count
This field displays the number of times the promotion was applied on the transaction. In the screenshot above, the Promotion Count for the Spend $1500, Save 15% is displayed as 6. This means that this promotion was applied six times on the transaction.
Promotional Discount
This field displays the total discount offered. In the screenshot above, the total promotional discount offered via the Spend $1500, Save 15% promotion was $235.05
Transaction Count
This field reflects the number of transactions that qualified for the promotion.
Total Transaction Value
This field displays the total value of the transaction. In the screenshot above, the total value of the transaction on which the Spend $1500, Save 15% promotion was applied is $1428.52
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