Refund and Cancellation of Customer Orders

Refund and Cancellation of Customer Orders


Customer Order and Delivery Management Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain and allows retailers to further extend the capabilities of your TAGRAIN edition. The plugin adds the omnichannel capabilities to your Tagrain application. With this Plugin activated, retailers can uniquely identify an order from a customer, capture customer specific instructions, offer customers to buy products online and facilitate in-store pickups. 

Sometimes you may be required to execute sale refunds or process order cancellations in Tagrain. In this section we are going to cover how these are handled by the application.

Refund is only applicable to sale transactions where the goods have been delivered whereas Cancellation is applicable to sale transactions where the goods are yet to be delivered.  

Let us try to understand sale refunds and order cancellations with the help of an example. 

Veronika Wenner placed an order for a product “Pebble Leather Crossbody” in Tagrain and requested it to be delivered at her home address. 

All the sale transactions will eventually reflect under “Recent Sales” in Tagrain. However, in this transaction, a sale has been made but the fulfillment is yet to happen i.e. the product is yet to be delivered to Veronika Wenner. 

A screen shot from the “Recent Sales” screen indicates that the transaction type is recorded as  “Sale” and the status is “Delivery Pending”. 

At this stage there are 3 possible scenarios: 

Scenario 1 - The product is delivered to Veronika Wenner at her home address.
Scenario 2. Veronika Wenner decides to cancel the order even before the product is delivered. 
Scenario 3. The product is delivered to Veronika Wenner but then she decides to return the product. 

The product is delivered to Veronika Wenner at her home address.
The cashier clicks on the [...] menu under the “Actions” column and selects “Mark as Delivered”. 
In the backend, the application would have reserved 1 unit of the product “Pebble Leather Crossbody”, to be delivered to Veronika Wenner, when the order was placed. Now upon successful delivery this will reduce to 0 units.

Veronika Wenner decides to cancel the order even before the product is delivered. 
The cashier clicks on the [...] menu under the “Actions” column and selects “Cancel Order”. 
In the backend, the application would have reserved 1 unit of the product “Pebble Leather Crossbody”, to be delivered to Veronika Wenner, when the order was placed. Now when the order has been cancelled, this will reduce to 0 units. 

The product is delivered to Veronika Wenner but then she decides to return the product. 
The cashier clicks on the [...] menu under the “Actions” column and selects “Refund”. In the backend, the application will increase the “Available Quantity to Sell” by 1 unit. The stock of the product “Pebble Leather Crossbody”, will increase by 1 unit, which is equivalent to the returned quantity. 

A sale refund or an order cancelled, both will look alike on the POS transaction screen. 

If we consider the above example, the product “Pebble Leather Crossbody”  will appear in the transaction list with a negative ( – ) sign whether a sale refund is being processed or an order is being cancelled. 

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