In this article we will cover the various sections of the Scan and Order Mobile Responsive Landing Page.
To be able to use the Scan and Order feature, you need to ensure that the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin is activated. This is required so that you are able to define tables for your cafe. If you attempt to activate the Scan and Order Plugin without first activating the Hospitality for Quick Serve and Fine Dining Plugin you will get an error message pop up screen (as shown in the screenshot below)

Note: The number of QR Codes that you generate for your table(s) impacts your Scan and Order Plugin licensing.
Scan and Order Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows customers to use their mobile phones to scan a QR code kept at their table(s) to place an order. Scanning the QR code opens a mobile responsive landing page on your phone browser using which the customer can place an order. See: Features of the Scan and Order Plugin.
Let us try to explain the various sections of a mobile responsive landing page.
For ease of understanding we have split the mobile responsive landing page into 3 main sections: The Header | The Body | The Footer
THE HEADER SECTION Landing Page URL Sub Menu Cafe Logo Cafe Name Cafe Table / Store Identifier My Cart Search Field
THE BODY SECTION Food Items (Menu Items and Combo Meals)
THE FOOTER SECTION Modifier Pop Up View Cart Pop Up Jump to category Pop Up Customer Registration Pop Up Thank You Pop Up
A screenshot from the header section is pasted below:
The Landing Page URL
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page displays the URL of the scan and order landing page.
A URL is nothing but the complete website address. A sample URL is pasted below for your reference.
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page displays the access control of the Sub Menu.
Tap on the 3 horizontal lines on the left to open the sub menu pop up screen containing the following options:
--My Orders
--View Bill
--About Us
My Orders
Tap on My Orders to open the My Order Screen. This screen displays all your recent order(s) placed for that table.
You can place multiple orders from a single table. Each order that you place is assigned a separate order number and reflects on the My Order Screen (As shown in the screenshot below)
You can click on the Order Number to expand it and see the individual food items included in that order. See: How to place a table order?
View Bill
Tap on View Bill to open the View Bill Screen. This screen displays a consolidated bill for that table order. (As shown in the screenshot below)
Alternatively you can tap on the View Bill button on the My Orders screen.
A sample screenshot of the View Bill page is pasted below:
About Us
Tap on About Us to open the About Us page which displays information about your Cafe / Restaurant.
Along with this it also displays the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Notice. A sample screenshot of the About Us page is pasted below:
Tap on Close on the sub menu pop up to close the sub menu pop up.
Cafe Logo
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page displays the Cafe Log. Tap on the Cafe Logo to return to the Home Page.
Cafe Name
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page displays the Cafe Name. Tap on the Cafe Name to return to the Home Page.
Cafe Table / Store Identifier
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page displays the Order Information. It displays the Store Name and the Table Identifier. The image below indicates that the Order was placed from Table 01 situated in the Balboa Store.
My Cart
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page displays the Cart icon.
Tap on the Cart Icon to open the My Cart screen. This screen displays the food items added in your cart.
Search Bar
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page allows you to search for a food item. This food item could be a Menu Item or a Combo Meal.
As you start typing the search keyword, the application will start displaying the suggestive list. For example, when you search for a food item like ‘chicken’, the search bar will list all the food items containing the word ‘chicken’. (As shown in the screenshot below)
The Body section consists of Tiles. Each Tile represents a food item which can either be a Menu Item or a Combo Meal. (As shown in the screenshot below)
Tapping on the food item tile opens the food item list. You can click the Add button corresponding to the food item(s) that you intend to order. See: How to place a table order?

Combo products are listed first on the landing page followed by the Menu items.
The Body section consists of Pop Up Screens that appear when a certain task is performed. Depending upon the task performed, you would encounter the following Pop Up Screens:
-Modifier Selection Pop Up
-View Cart Pop Up
-Jump to category Pop Up
-Customer Registration Pop Up
-Thank You Pop Up
Modifier Selection Pop Up
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page allows you to select modifiers for your food item.
View Cart Pop Up
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page allows you to view the food items added to your cart.
Jump To Category Pop Up
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page allows you to jump to another category.
Customer Registration Pop Up
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page allows you to capture customer information like his Name, Email, and Phone.
Thank You Pop Up
This section of the Mobile Responsive Landing Page intimates that your order is placed and is being processed.
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