Store pickups for customer orders using the Tagrain App for Android

Store pickups for customer orders using the Tagrain App for Android

Customer Order and Delivery Management Plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain and allows retailers like you to further extend the capabilities of your Tagrain edition. 

It allows you to add omnichannel capabilities to the existing Tagrain application. 

This plugin allows for customer orders to be uniquely identified and  customer specific instructions are well captured. The plugin also facilitates in-store pickups. 

Store Pickups in Tagrain
The Customer Order and Delivery Management Plugin must be activated using the Tagrain Web interface to facilitate marking of orders for Store Pickup or Home Delivery using the Tagrain App for Android. See: Customer Order and Delivery Management Plugin activation.

Steps involved in Store Pickup

In this artefact we will learn what store pickups are and how they are managed using the Tagrain App for android. 

Step 1. Scan a few products to the POS transaction grid on the POS. You can search a product by using the search bar, or by selecting the product itself from the product group tile, or by scanning the product. See: How to perform a sale in Tagrain?  

Step 2. Select a customer for this transaction. You can search for the customer using the name, email, or phone. In case the customer is new and not in the database, it is a good practice to add him to the database. See: How to add customers in Tagrain?

Step 3. Once you have added the products and the customer on the transaction screen, click the “Add Delivery Option” button. 

The "Add Delivery Option" Button will be visible on the Transaction Screen only when the below settings are enabled:
  1. Enable Collect From Store
  2. Enable Ship From Store
To enable these settings you are required to login to your Tagrain Web account and navigate to Setup > General Settings > Global Settings. See: Global Settings
Before you click on the “Add Delivery” button, you need to ensure that a customer has been selected in the Transaction Screen. 

Step 4. Click on the “Store Pickup” button on the “Delivery Option” Pop up. Click the “Save” button to confirm the delivery method.

Step 6. Upon clicking the “Save” button the “Add Delivery Option” Button will change to “Modify Delivery Option”. 

Step 7. Add discounts and/or surcharges if applicable and click the “Pay” button to proceed to the Payment screen.

Step 8. Upon successful payment, the transaction would be marked as “pickup pending” and would reflect under the “Recent Sales” section. 

Step 9. When the customer arrives at the store outlet and has collected the product(s) purchased, the cashier can then select the option “Mark as Picked” to complete the order. Click on the “More” button and tap the option “Mark as Picked” to complete the order. The “Delivery Note” screen will open.

Step 10. Change the Delivering Qty to 0 for the products that are NOT being picked up in this transaction, 

Step 11. The “Sale Complete” screen will appear. The “Posted Successfully” message will flash on the screen and disappear to indicate a successful sale transaction. 

On the “Transaction Selection” screen the status of the transaction will change from “Pickup Pending” to “Delivered”. 

Suggested Readings

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