How do I get to see a report that details collection by payment types?

How do I get to see a report that details collection by payment types?


Tender Collection Report is a snapshot of the tender collection activities performed by the company via different sources. It can be generated on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis or quarterly basis, depending upon the need of the organization.  


The purpose of the Tender Collection Report is to analyze the different sources of tender collection. It helps in comparing this year's performance to last year's for sales, units, gross margin, and variance, as well as new-store analysis. 

Steps to generate a Tender Collection Report

Go to Home > Reports > Tender Collection Report. Upon clicking the Tender Collection Report, an exhaustive list of tender collected is auto-populated. You may later choose to filter the report generated, on the basis of Tender Type, Store, or Date. To selectively filter the report, you may perform the following steps:

Select the Tender Type from the drop-down list. The exhaustive drop-down list is pasted below: 
  1. Cash
  2. Credit Card
  3. Gift Card
  4. Loyalty
  5. On Account
  6. Store Credit
  7. Clover Connect
  8. Elavon
  9. Moneris
Some Tender Types are unlocked only upon plugin activation.
Select the Store.

Specify the Date Range for which the report is to be generated.

Click on the Search button.

Tender Collection Report for the specified fields is populated.

Export the Tender Collection Report

Tender Collection Report can be exported using the   button. Click on the Export button and navigate to the location where you intend to save the Tender Collection Report. Click on the Save button to save the file.  

Print the Tender Collection Report

Tagrain allows you to print the Tender Collection Report. You can follow the steps below to print the Tender Collection Report. 

Step 1. Generate the Tender Collection Report.  

Step 2. Click the Print button to open the Print Preview page. 

Step 3. Select the destination printer. 

Step 4. Specify the number of copies and pages to be printed.

Step 5. Click on the Print button to print the Tender Collection Report. 

When exporting the Tender Collection report, the date is always exported in MM/DD/YYYY format irrespective of the date format specified in Display Settings ( Home > Setup > General Settings > Display Settings ) OR the date time format of the Operating System OR Excel.

Report Data

The Tender Collection Report data contains the following information:

Tender Type 
Tender Type displays the tender mode. It can be Cash, Credit Card, Debit Card, Gift Certificate, Loyalty, etc.

Total Sale Amount
Total Sale Amount displays the total amount of the sale transaction.

Creation Time
Displays the Date and Time when the Tender Collection Report was created.

Last Modification Time
Displays the Date and Time when the Tender Collection Report was last modified. 

Created By
Displays the name of the person who created the Tender Collection Report.  

Modified By
Displays the name of the person who modified the Sales Target Report was last modified.

Suggested Readings

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