Sale Using Multiple Credit/Debit Cards - Windcave

Sale Using Multiple Credit/Debit Cards - Windcave

In this article we will cover the steps to collect payment using multiple Credit/Debit cards using the Windcave Payment Device.
Please Note - Tagrain Windcave Payment Processor has been tested with the CHU200T. If you intend to use a different device then please contact us in advance to confirm compatibility with Tagrain.

Windcave Device CHU200T

Certifications & Compliance

PCI PTS 6.x compliant with PCI P2PE, EMVCo L1 & L2 Contact and Contactless security requirements to keep your transactions secure and reduce your compliance costs.


Windcave Payment Processor  plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows you to offer a quick, seamless and secure payment experience to your customers. Once set up, cashiers can take credit and debit card payments from customers at the POS using the Windcave Payment Device. This integration helps your cashier by removing the need to manually enter the amount and card details at the POS. See: Features of the Windcave Payment Processor Integration Plugin.

Available in multiple countries including the USA, Canada, and Great Britain, Windcave Payment Processor Plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands.The Windcave Payment Processor Plugin comes free with Tagrain. Activating this plugin will have no impact on your existing subscription.  


The only prerequisite to collect credit and debit card payments using Windcave is to add Windcave as a payment type in Tagrain.  

Subscribing to Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin is a multi-step process. 
  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Configure the Windcave Payment Type
  3. Map the Windcave Payment Device to your POS terminal
For more details, refer to the article: Windcave Payment Processor Integration Plugin Activation 

Steps to perform sale using multiple credit/debit cards

The steps to perform a sale using multiple credit / debit cards is no different than a sale made using a single credit / debit card. The only difference between the 2 is that on the former you are making use of more than one credit / debit card to make the payment. 

Scan a few products to the transaction grid and click the Pay button to reach the Payment screen. 

On the Payment screen, you should see Windcave listed as one of the payment methods.

Click the Windcave button, to receive the credit/debit card payment via the Windcave payment processor. 

To demonstrate sales using multiple cards, we are going to split the payment. We are going to pay the total using different cards.

Let’s assume that the customer pays $10.00 using one card and $8.67 using another. 

Edit the Amount to Pay field and specify $10. This amount will be paid via the Credit / Debit Card using the Windcave Payment Device.  

The payment authorisation request is sent to the Windcave Device mapped to your POS register. Ask the customer to insert, tap, or swipe the EMV card on the Windcave Payment Device and then enter the PIN and authorise the payment.

Since we have split the payment the application would take you back to the payments screen to collect the remaining amount.

Edit the Amount to Pay field again and specify $8.67. This amount will be paid via the Credit / Debit Card using the Windcave Payment Device.  

The payment authorisation request is sent to the Windcave Device mapped to your POS register. Ask the customer to insert, tap, or swipe the EMV card on the Windcave Payment Device and then enter the PIN and authorise the payment.

The payment authorisation request is sent twice to the Windcave Device mapped to your POS register. This is because for Windcave these are 2 separate interactions. Customer will have to individually authorise these.

The split payment made reflects on two places:

On the Recent Sales screen

On the Transaction Receipt

You will notice that Windcave is listed as a Tender Type and this entry appears twice. This is because Customer has paid using 2 different credit cards. He has paid $10 using one card and $8.67 using another. So for Windcave these are 2 separate transactions. 

Suggested Readings

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