Stock Count

Stock Count


The purpose of conducting a Stock Count is to identify any discrepancies in your inventory levels and to reconcile your inventory. 
This process is useful in enhancing your inventory management since it involves physically counting the stock in your store and comparing it to the inventory recorded in the system. 

During an inventory count, some or all item(s) in your store is counted manually and recorded in the system. When the inventory count is submitted, the application compares the actual physical stocks with the stocks recorded in the system and generates a report for any unexpected variances in your inventory levels. By identifying any variances, you can then reconcile them to minimize the overall costs associated with holding inventory.
Home > Inventory Transactions > Stock Count


The only prerequisite to use the Stock Counting feature in Tagrain is to ensure that you are subscribed to the Stock Counting plugin. 
The Stock Counting feature is available in Tagrain on activation of the Stock Counting Plugin. 

Types of Stock Counting

There are 2 types of Stock Counting in Tagrain: Full or Partial. 
Full Stock Counting - You count the inventory for all the Products in your Store. 
Partial Stock Counting - You count the inventory for some Products in your Store. 

Steps To Perform Stock Counting

The steps to perform Stock Counting (Full) and (Partial) remain the same. The only difference being that in case of Full Stock Counting you count the inventory for all the Products in your Store whereas in case of Partial Stock Counting you count the inventory for some Products in your Store.
The steps to perform Stock Counting are explained below:
Step 1. Navigate to Home > Inventory > Stock Count to open the Stock Count List View Screen. All the Stock Counts - In Progress and Completed are listed on this screen.

Step 2. Click the Create Stock Count button to open the Create Stock Count Screen.

Step 3. Click on the [...] against the Store field to select a Store from the list of available stores. This will be the store for which you want to count the inventory. This field is mandatory. 

Step 4. Specify the Stock Count Number. This number appears on the Stock Count Document. This number can be used as a reference and helps in reporting. This field is mandatory. 

Step 5. Click on the calendar icon to open the calendar and select a Count On date. This date signifies the day when the stock was counted.This field is mandatory.  

Step 6. Specify a description for the Stock Count. This field is not mandatory. You can specify a description for easy recognition.  

Step 7. Flip the Is Partial switch ON only if you want to perform stock counting for some of the products, else keep it OFF.  Switching the Is Partial switch ON will restrict your stock count to some products. 
You should flip the switch Is Partial ON, only if you want to perform stock counting for some products in your Store and not all the products. 
For Example, if I want  to perform Stock Counting for some Standard Products as under, I will flip the Is Partial switch ON, to add these products in the Stock Count Grid. 
WB-1001 - Brooke Large Zip Hobo
WB-1002 - Blue Lola Tote
WB-1003 - Block Signature Tote
Flipping the Is Partial switch ON allows you to select a lookup type which proves useful in case you are performing a Partial Stock Count.
Step 8. Once you have selected the products to count you can click the Save (Save & Back) button to return to the Stock Count Home screen.

Step 9. Click on the Calculator symbol under the Actions column to open the actual Count screen, where all the counting takes place. 

There are multiple ways you can count the inventory. You can perform a product search using the product lookup and specify the counted quantity in the count text box and click the Add Count button.
Alternatively, you can scroll down the product list to locate the desired product and enter the counted quantity in the Counted Quantity column. You can make use of the import template to import the inventory count.

Step 10. You need to manually count all the products and then enter the count in the Counted Quantity column. Click the Save button to return to the Stock Count Home screen.
In case your Product portfolio comprises Serial and Batch Products, you will have to validate the Serial Number and Batch Number for your Products. 

Step 11. Click the Post symbol, under the Actions column, to open the Stock Count Posting Grid screen. 

The Stock Count Posting screen displays the Product Code and Description, the System Quantity, the Counted Quantity, and the Adjustment Quantity. If the counted quantity is the same as system quantity, the status will change to Matched and in case the counted quantity is different from the system quantity, the status will change to Unmatched.

Step 12. Click the Post button. You will see a notification pop up asking you to confirm if you would like to update the current inventory. (As shown in the Screenshot below)

Step 13. Click Yes to update the inventory and return to the Stock Count Home screen.

You can click on the Camera symbol, under the Actions column to open a consolidated view of the Stock Count Posting screen.

You can click the Print button to Print the Stock Count Posting Document.

Accordions Explained

In the process of counting inventory for your products you will come across the below screens or accordions:
-- Create Stock Count Screen
-- Stock Count Home Screen
-- Stock Count Grid Screen

Create Stock Count Screen

The various fields in the Create Stock Count Screen are explained below. The mandatory fields such as Store, Stock Count Number, and Count On are marked with an (*) asterisk mark. 

Click on the [...] to pick a store from the available stores for which you want to perform stock counting. This field is a mandatory field. 

Stock Count Number
Specify the Stock Count Number. This number appears on the Stock Count Document. This number can be used as a reference and helps in reporting. This field is a mandatory field. 

Count On 
Click on the calendar icon to open the calendar and select a date. This date signifies the day when the stock was counted. This field is a mandatory field. 

Specify a description for Stock Counting. For Example, if you are counting the stock of Women Bag products in your Store, you can use Stock Count for Women Bags as your description.

Is Partial
Flip the Is Partial switch ON to display the Products accordion.This accordion allows you to perform stock counting for a specific product, product group, or product tag.

This is a drop-down field that allows you to specify the Lookup Type. 

Look Up 
Use the lookup to search for a specific product, product group, or product tag. Depending upon the option you select in the Type field above, you can perform a search by typing in the Product Code, Product Description, Product Barcode, Product Group Description, or Product Tag Description. 

You can search a Product by: Code, Description, or Barcode
You can search a Product Group by: Product Group Description
You can search a Product Tag by: Product Tag Description

Stock Count Home Screen

The various fields in the Stock Count Home Screen are explained below.

Stock Count ID
This column displays the Stock Count Number that you have specified on the Create Stock Count Screen.

This column displays the name of the Store for which the Stock Counting is done.

This column displays the product code along with its description. The code and the description displayed here is fetched from the Product Master screen.  

Count of Product
This column displays the product count. This number is based on the products recorded in the system. 

Count Counted
This column displays the product count. This number is based on the products physically counted in the store.

Count Uncounted
This column displays the product count. This number is based on the products which are yet to be counted.

Created Date
This column displays the date on which the stock counting was done. The date is displayed in the date format specified on the System Display Settings page. 

This column displays the stock counting status as Completed or Pending.

This column displays the action controls. 

Stock Count Posting Screen

This column displays the serial number.

This column displays the product code along with its description. 

System Quantity
This column displays the product quantity as recorded in the system. 

Counted Quantity
This column displays the product quantity as counted manually by the store keeper. 

Adjustment Quantity
This column displays the product quantity adjusted by the system automatically. Here, quantity adjustment means stock In or Stock Out. 

This column displays the stock count status as Matched or Unmatched. Unmatched will require the quantity to be adjusted via Stock In or Stock Out depending upon the situation. 

This column displays the comments recorded when performing a stock count. Since the comment field is not mandatory it may or may not display any data.

This column displays the action controls. 

Suggested Readings

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