Windcave Payment Processor Plugin - Deactivation

Windcave Payment Processor Plugin - Deactivation

In this article we will cover the steps to deactivate the Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin.
Please Note - Tagrain Windcave Payment Processor has been tested with the CHU200T. If you intend to use a different device then please contact us in advance to confirm compatibility with Tagrain.

Windcave Device CHU200T

Certifications & Compliance

PCI PTS 6.x compliant with PCI P2PE, EMVCo L1 & L2 Contact and Contactless security requirements to keep your transactions secure and reduce your compliance costs.

The Windcave Payment Processor  plugin comes free with Tagrain. Activating this plugin will have no impact on your existing subscription. See: Subscription Management in Tagrain 


Windcave Payment Processor  plugin is a software module that seamlessly integrates with Tagrain POS and allows you to offer a quick, seamless and secure payment experience to your customers. Once set up, cashiers can take credit and debit card payments from customers at the POS terminal using the Windcave Payment Device. This integration helps your cashier by removing the need to manually enter the amount and card details at the POS. See: Windcave Payment Processor Plugin Features

Available in numerous countries worldwide including the USA, Canada, and Great Britain Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin allows you to accept normal and contactless NFC credit and debit card payments from all major brands using the Windcave Payment Device.
The Windcave Payment Processor  plugin comes free with Tagrain. Activating this plugin will have no impact on your existing subscription. See: Subscription Management in Tagrain 

If for some reason, you no longer require the Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin, Tagrain makes it simple by allowing you to deactivate the plugin. Upon deactivation:

All the features and functionality added to the application upon plugin activation are removed. 

The data pertaining to this plugin is primarily associated with the reference numbers and auth numbers for the credit card transactions done, and so the data is retained and never purged. 

Plugin Deactivation Steps

You can deactivate the Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin from the Purchase Subscription page. You can access this page either from the Plugins screen or OR via the Manage Accounts section.

From the Plugins Screen

Step 1. Navigate to Home > Plugins. This will open the Plugins Grid View screen. This screen is divided into five sections

Displays all the Plugins, irrespective of the fact whether they are active or not.

Displays those Plugins that have an active subscription.

Displays those Plugins that the user has not yet subscribed to.

Displays those Plugins that, when subscribed, allow the user to upscale his business.

Displays all the third-party Plugins that seamlessly integrate with Tagrain to extend its capabilities further.

Step 2. Navigate to the “Active” section. You should see the Windcave Payment Processor plugin listed here. Click the Deactivate button on the Windcave Payment Processor plugin tile to bring up the Deactivation Popup screen.

Step 3. Click on the Review & Checkout button to proceed to the Purchase Subscription page.

Step 4. Navigate to the Already Active section on the Purchase Subscription page. You should see the Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin unticked / deselected for deactivation. 

When you approach the Purchase Subscription page from the Plugins screen, you will see that the Windcave Payment Processor plugin is already deselected (unticked) for deactivation.

Step 5. Review your order summary and click on the Confirm & Pay button in the Cart Detail section to proceed with deactivation.

From the Manage Account Section

Step 1. Navigate to the admin section in the top right corner of the screen and click Manage Account. 

Step 2. On the Subscription screen that opens, click the Upgrade button to reach the Purchase Subscription page.

Step 3. Navigate to the Already Active section on the Purchase Subscription page. You should see the Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin.  Untick / deselect the plugin to mark the plugin as Inactive.

When you approach the Purchase Subscription page from the Manage Account section, you will see that the Windcave Payment Processor plugin is selected (ticked) and displayed under the Already Active section. You will have to manually remove the tick from the activation check box to mark the plugin as Inactive.

Step 4. Review your order summary and click on the Confirm & Pay button in the Cart Detail section to proceed with deactivation.

Alert -  Once you have successfully deactivated the Windcave Payment Processor plugin, you should unpair the Windcave Payment Device from your POS terminal to avoid running into application errors. 
The subscription fee for Tagrain and its plugins is non-refundable. A plugin once purchased and activated, shall not be refunded. You may, however, choose to deactivate the plugin if you no longer want to use it. 
Upon deactivation, all the features and functionality added to the application upon plugin activation are removed and the application retains all the data pertaining to the plugin only till the end of your current billing cycle. However, in the case of Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin it is slightly different. The data pertaining to this plugin is primarily associated with the reference numbers and auth numbers for the credit card transactions done, and so the data is retained and never purged from the application.
You can always reactivate the Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin without incurring additional charges during its subscription cycle. However, you will have to reconfigure your Windcave Payment Type. There will be no change in your subscription amount in the current billing cycle if you are only deactivating the Windcave Payment Processor Integration plugin AND not updating your store / POS count. 

Suggested Readings

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